Efficient Lambda Development with AWS Toolkit in IntelliJ


This article explains how to efficiently develop Lambda functions using the AWS Toolkit in IntelliJ.

Steps to Implementation

  1. Preliminary Preparation
  2. Installing AWS Toolkit
  3. Configuring AWS Toolkit
  4. Developing Lambda
  5. Executing Lambda Locally
  6. Summary

Preliminary Preparation

Installing Docker

AWS Toolkit in IntelliJ uses Docker to run Lambda.
Prior to proceeding, please install Docker by referring to these instructions.

Installing AWS CLI

Install AWS CLI (SAM).
For installation, refer to these instructions.

In IntelliJ, set the path for SAM CLI executable under File -> Settings -> Tools -> AWS Toolkit.
In my case, as I installed it through brew, I set the following path.
Intellij configuration

Installing AWS Toolkit

Install the AWS Toolkit via IntelliJ plugins. Refer to this guide for plugin installation.

Configuring AWS Toolkit

To use AWS Toolkit, you need to set up your AWS credentials.

Set up AWS credentials through AWS Explorer.
AWS Authentication

Obtain and configure your Access Key ID and Secret Access Key from the AWS console. Once configured, AWS resources should appear in AWS Explorer.
AWS resource addition confirmation

Note: In this image, the region is set to us-east-1. Please adjust according to the region where you intend to create your Lambda.

Developing Lambda

Create a code snippet like the following.


def lambda_handler(event, context):
    print("Hello World")
    return "Hello World!"

Create a Lambda through AWS Explorer.
Lambda function creation screen

Select Create Lambda Function and input the necessary values.
For the Handler, enter <filename>.<function name> from your code snippet.
Lambda function setup

This completes the creation of your Lambda.

Executing Lambda Locally

The Toolkit also allows you to execute Lambda locally. Lambda function execution screen

Selecting Run will execute the Lambda locally.


This article provided a guide on efficiently developing Lambda using AWS Toolkit in IntelliJ. Developing in IntelliJ and executing locally can significantly improve development efficiency.