Introduction to Using Lighthouse


This article explains how to measure your blog’s performance using Lighthouse.

What is Lighthouse?

Lighthouse is a performance measurement tool for websites provided by Google. It’s available as a Google Chrome extension and can be used by installing the plugin.

Installing Lighthouse

Install Lighthouse from the Chrome Web Store.
Lighthouse Chrome Store

Open the site you want to analyze and click on the Lighthouse icon.
Lighthouse Icon

Click on Generate report to start the analysis.
This time, I ran it on my blog page.
Lighthouse Execution Screen

The results are displayed as follows, taking about 1 minute to complete.
Lighthouse Results

Interpreting the Results


Evaluates web performance, like page loading and image display speeds. Clicking the See calculator link takes you to more details.
Lighthouse Performance


Checks whether all users can access content and navigate efficiently within the site. Scrolling down shows areas flagged by Accessibility.
Lighthouse Accessibility

It points out weak color contrast in the code snippets and missing descriptions in links.

However, the flagged content is not from my writing but depends on the template, so to fix this, it would be necessary to override the Hugo template.

Best Practices

Tests the integrity of web pages. You can view the testing items in the results.
Lighthouse Best Practices


You can check if the page is optimized for search engine result rankings.
Lighthouse SEO

Progressive Web App

Checks if the loading speed of web pages on smartphones is optimized and if it’s suitable for PWAs. This wasn’t checked in this case.


The article explained how to measure the performance of a blog using Lighthouse. Especially for SEO, as it affects visibility in Google search results, it’s important to address these issues adequately.