Privacy Policy

Bossagyu Blog (hereinafter referred to as “this site”) establishes the following privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as “this policy”) regarding the handling of users’ personal information in the services provided on this website (hereinafter referred to as “the service”).

Article 1 (Personal Information)

“Personal information” refers to “personal information” as defined in the Personal Information Protection Law, which is information about a living individual that can identify the specific individual by name, date of birth, address, telephone number, contact information, and other descriptions contained in such information, as well as data related to appearance, fingerprints, voice prints, and health insurance card insurer numbers that can identify the specific individual based on that information alone (personal identification information).

Article 2 (Method of Collecting Personal Information)

This site may ask for personal information such as name, address, telephone number, and email address when users register for use. In addition, transaction records and payment information containing users’ personal information made between users and partners may be collected from partners of this site (including information providers, advertisers, advertisement delivery destinations, etc., hereinafter referred to as “partners”).

This site uses access analysis services, various affiliate programs, and advertisement delivery services. These advertisement delivery companies may use Cookies to display advertisements for products and services tailored to users’ interests based on users’ access to this site and other sites.

Cookies are stored on the user’s computer or device when the user visits this site or other sites. However, this information does not contain anything that can personally identify you, such as your name, address, email address, or telephone number.

If you prefer not to have information collected through Cookies, you can refuse to accept Cookies in your browser settings. However, some content may not function correctly or services may not be available with this setting. Please understand this in advance.

For setting methods, please check Google Policies and Terms.

About Access Analysis Tools

This site uses Google’s access analysis tool “Google Analytics”. Google Analytics uses Cookies to collect traffic data. This traffic data is collected anonymously and is not personally identifiable.

Users can refuse data collection by disabling Cookies. Please check the settings in your browser.

You can check the terms of this policy at Google Analytics Terms of Service and Google Policies and Terms.

Article 3 (Matters Concerning Partners of This Site)

1. About Advertisement Delivery

This site uses a third-party advertisement delivery service “Google Adsense Google AdSense”. Advertisement delivery companies may use Cookies to display advertisements according to user interests. For disabling Cookies and more details about Google AdSense, please see Advertising – Policies and Terms – Google.

Also, this site participates in the Amazon Associate Program, an affiliate program designed to provide a means for sites to earn referral fees by advertising and linking to Third parties may provide content and advertisements, collect information directly from visitors, and set or recognize Cookies in visitors’ browsers.

Article 4 (Purpose of Collecting and Using Personal Information)

The purposes for which this site collects and uses personal information are as follows:

  1. To provide and operate our site services.
  2. To respond to user inquiries (including verifying the identity of the person).
  3. To allow users to view, modify, delete their registration information, and view usage status.
  4. For purposes incidental to the above usage purposes.

Article 5 (Changes to the Purpose of Use)

  1. This site will change the purpose of use of personal information only when it is reasonably recognized that the purpose of use is related to that before the change.
  2. If the purpose of use is changed, the user will be notified or announced on this website in the method prescribed by the site.

Article 6 (Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties)

  1. This site will not provide personal information to third parties without the prior consent of the user, except in cases permitted by the Personal Information Protection Law and other laws. However, the following cases are excluded:
    1. When it is necessary for the protection of a person’s life, body, or property, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person.
    2. When it is particularly necessary for improving public health or promoting the healthy development of children, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person.
    3. When it is necessary for a national institution or local public entity or a person entrusted by them to cooperate in carrying out the affairs prescribed by laws and regulations,

and obtaining the consent of the person may impede the execution of the affairs. 4. When the following matters have been notified or announced in advance, and the site has notified the Personal Information Protection Commission: 1. Including provision to third parties in the purpose of use. 2. Items of data provided to third parties. 3. Means or method of provision to third parties. 4. Stopping the provision of personal information to third parties upon the request of the person. 5. How to accept the request of the person.

Article 7 (Disclosure of Personal Information)

  1. This site will disclose personal information to the individual without delay upon request. However, all or part of the information may not be disclosed if disclosure would result in any of the following. If a decision is made not to disclose, the site will notify the person without delay.
    1. If there is a risk of harming the life, body, property, or other rights and interests of the person or a third party.
    2. If there is a significant impediment to the proper execution of the business of the site.
    3. If it violates other laws and regulations.
  2. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, in principle, information other than personal information such as history information and characteristic information will not be disclosed.

Article 8 (Correction and Deletion of Personal Information)

  1. Users can request the site to correct, add, or delete (hereinafter referred to as “correction, etc.”) their personal information held by the site if it is incorrect information, in accordance with the procedures set by the site.
  2. This site will make the correction, etc., of the personal information without delay if it is deemed necessary to respond to the request from the user.
  3. This site will notify the user without delay if the correction, etc., has been made based on the provisions of the preceding paragraph, or if it has been decided not to make the correction, etc.

Article 10 (Changes to the Privacy Policy)

  1. The contents of this policy can be changed without notifying the user, except for laws and other matters expressly provided in this policy.
  2. The changed privacy policy will take effect from the time it is posted on this website unless otherwise specified by the site.

Article 11 Copyright Notice

The copyright of the contents of this site (photos, images, text, etc.) belongs to this site, and unauthorized reproduction is prohibited.

If you wish to use the content of this site, please contact us separately.

Article 12 About Links

This site is completely link-free. No permission or contact is required to link to this site.

Article 11 (Inquiry Desk)

For inquiries regarding this policy, please contact us at Inquiries on this site.